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caregiver and senior woman having a walk

We are looking for dedicated professionals to be part of our team. If you are interested to apply, kindly use the form below.

At Empowering Health Agency LLC, we offer healthcare professionals unparalleled flexibility, reliability, and growth opportunities. As a member of our exceptional team, you will provide excellence in services to those you serve. Joining Empowering Health Agency LLC means joining a healthcare services provider committed to delivering the best in quality, reliability, and value of care. You will enjoy unmatched flexibility of assignments, allowing you to balance your work with your personal life and responsibilities.

Positions Available

Housing Field Coordinator Position

Help assist housing clients with looking for and applying for low-income housing such as Section 8 Voucher, public housing, and subsidized housing. The Housing field coordinators also meet with clients in person along with transporting clients to housing tours. If and when clients get housed, the Housing field coordinator would help the housing clients with sustaining their housing. This can be things such as helping clients budget to ensure that clients can pay their rent on time.

Primary Responsibilities of Field Coordinators:
1. Field coordinator will help people with a disability, developmental disability, traumatic brain injury and mental illnesses.
2. Field coordinators work as community-based employees, and they will meet the clients in their homes or out in the community.
3. Field coordinators are to support and supervise the clients when working on their IGP goal plan.
4. Field coordinators are required to fulfill 30 hours of continuous training per calendar year.
5. Field coordinators are required to attend departmental meetings once or twice a month.
6. Field coordinators are required to meet with their immediate supervisor once a month for consultation.
7. Field coordinators are to be punctual and on time to client meetings, one on one supervision consultations, and other departmental meetings and training. If ILS mentors are late more than 3 times without prior notice, there will be a corrective action in place.
8. Field coordinators are to practice HIPAA and they are required to keep client information confidential.
9. Field coordinators are to communicate with their immediate supervisors at least 3 times a week to provide an update or check in.
10. Field coordinators adhere to company policies, philosophy, and mission statements.
11. Field coordinators are always expected to practice effective and clear communication.
12. Field coordinators are expected to practice integrity and follow through with requests from the case manager, field supervisor, program manager.
13. It is imperative that the field coordinator is respectful of all the people they work with.
14. Boundaries are a critical component of a Field coordinator, and they are always required to practice professional boundaries.
15. The organization of field coordinators is essential and field coordinators are to develop an organization plan to maintain consistency with clients and scheduling.
16. Field coordinator will develop and maintain a professional relationship with the clients, case managers and guardians.
17. Field coordinators are required to give a 2 weeks’ notice if they want to use their PTO and the immediate field supervisor will need to approve the leave.
18. All incidents will need to be reported to the senior program manager right away and if field coordinators have a suspicion that clients are at risk for being abuse, call the senior program manager.
19. Field coordinators are to coach clients with building and maintaining independent living skills and it is imperative that mentors assist the client if necessary.
20. Field coordinators are required to transport clients with goal related errands with the mileage policy of 30 miles a month per client.
21. Field coordinators who are full time are expected to bill the minimum of 32 hours a week and part time mentors are required to bill 20-24 hours a week. Field coordinators are required to report client cancellations, client not at home and client refusing services to their immediate supervisor.
22. Field coordinators are to complete individual timecards for clients after every visit and a payroll timecard every week. All timecards need to be in by Monday 12 pm (afternoon) every week. Field coordinators are to come to the office once a week to check their mailbox and drop off paperwork.
23. Field coordinators must be flexible and willing to work with clients in different environments such as hoarding, cats, dogs, and the smell of smoke because mentors work with the clients in their homes. If you are allergic or have limitations, please notify the immediate supervisor right away.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $16.00 – $18.00 (depending on experience)

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Hybrid Flex

Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Employment Services (Job Coach) Position:

The Job Coach will meet with clients to help coach clients with skills training for the type of jobs that they are looking for. The job Coaches will also help coach and support employment clients with acceptable workplace self-care, proper dress, personal hygiene and grooming. They also help clients with the understanding of wages and impact on benefits along with job-related transportation.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $16.00 – $18.00 (depending on experience)

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Hybrid Flex

Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Individualized Home Support (IHS) Field Coordinator:

The IHS Field coordinator will meet with clients in person and help the clients with their weekly goals. These goals can be anything such as creating a budget list, teaching them how to write a check, teaching them how to use public transportation, taking them to the Social Security Office for documents, taking them to their appointments, etc.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $15.00 – $16.00 (depending on experience)

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Hybrid Flex

Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) Field Coordinator

The ICLS field coordinators will help assist the adult clients with support and in intermittent/ moderate supervision or physical assistance to remain in their own homes. This can be things such as house management assistance, health, safety and wellness, and community living engagement.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $15.00 (depending on experience)

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Hybrid Flex

Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
8not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Day Services Professional

Day Service Support Professional would meet with groups of clients either at a facility or a community center to teach and coach the clients on how to navigate/ utilize community resources. The professionals will also teach and coach clients on many life enriching activities as well.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $18-$20/hour

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Primarily onsite at the center with clients

Float Field Coordinator

This position will consist of a mixture of Housing Stabilization Services, Employment Services, Individualized Home and Support Services, and Individual Community Living Support Services.

Job Type: Full-time or Part Time
Salary: $17.00

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Driver’s License (Required)
Work Location: Hybrid Flex

Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
8not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Helper Aid:

Helper Aids will assist the Day Services Professional (DSP) with their client groups to ensure that the DSP can focus on the curriculum and skills training.Helper Aids will assist the Day Services Professional (DSP) with their client groups to ensure that the DSP can focus on the curriculum and skills training.

Helper Aids task may include, but are not limited to:

  • Redirecting clients
  • Helping clients to and from the building/transportation
  • Assisting with getting activity items
  • Handing out snacks
  • Opening items (example: water bottle, tubes of paint)

Helper Aids can be transported in the Agency vehicle with the clients out into the community. If needed, Helper Aids could/may be needed to ride along with transportation at the start and end of the day to assist clients getting to/from the vehicle when getting picked up or dropped off for the day.

Helper Aids WILL NOT work 1:1 with clients and will have supervision when working.
Job Type
Salary: $15.00 (depending on experience)

  • Paid time off


  • 8 hour shift
  • Monday to Friday

Work Location: Hybrid Flex
Hybrid Flex is a system that Empowering Health is implementing to allow flexibility to our staff. The hybrid flex system allows employees to work from their home office space when they are not in-person with clients out in the field.
80% of time worked will be in person with clients either at clients home or a place clients are comfortable in.
20% of time worked can be done remotely and at the employees home office.

Skilled Aid:

Skilled Aids will work 1:1 with an assigned client to provide hands-on assistance.

Skilled Aids tasks may include, but are not limited to:

  • Redirecting clients
  • Assist clients with toileting/changing individuals with incontinence
  • Assisting with guidance
  • Assist client when eating
  • Opening items (example: water bottle, tubes of paint)

Skills Aids will ride along with transportation to assist with their client getting to and from the vehicle and with any redirecting that may be needed during the ride.

Job Type
Salary: up to $18.00

  • Paid time off


  • Skilled Aids will only work the days their assigned client attends the DSS program.

Requirements: Must have experience with working 1:1 with individuals with autism, who are
blind, and/or who are non-verbal. Must have experience providing hands-on care.
Work Location: Primarily onsite at the center with clients