Day Support Services provide a haven for qualifying participants to develop individualized goalsto increase skills and knowledge around community-based training and basic essential skills toimprove community navigation and community engagement. Clients who are on long waitlistsfor Employment Services or IHS with Training Services may benefit from the Day SupportServices due to the nature of the services provided. Some skills areas could include, but are notlimited to, communication, community access, independent living, money management, problemsolving and conflict resolution, selfcare, socialization, and volunteer opportunities. Staff andclients will work in groups of a ratio of 1:4 or 1:6.
Clients are eligible for Day Support Services through BI, CAC, CADI, or DD Waiver Services and must have Day Support Services listed on their CSSP.
Empowering Health provides Day Support Services in both Ramsey County (facility) and Dakota County (non-facility), clients living outside of Ramsey County and Dakota County are welcome to receive services in either county being served by Empowering Health. For clients living in Ramsey County or Dakota County, Waiver Transportation Services are available.